25 years of specialized experience in all aspects of traction
motor manufacture and repair has enabled Rotomac to expand its
operations in the area of consulting services. With years of
dedicated attention, Rotomac can offer its clients focused
advice in all areas of setting up and operating a traction motor
repair workshop, namely:
- Analyzing
the types of motors that need to be repaired;
- Determining
the size of the traction motor repair workshop;
- Selecting
a suitable site for the workshop;
- Selecting
and installing material handling equipment;
- Selecting
plant and equipment in keeping with the type,
quantity-per-month and nature of repair work;
- Segregating
air conditioned spaces for selected jobs;
- Selecting
the right kind of man-power;
- Training
the man-power.
result is a completely tailor-made plant suited perfectly to
client requirements for maximum efficiency and quality.